麻烦大家给一些英语俚语我,如a piece of cake(轻松的事).


麻烦大家给一些英语俚语我,如a piece of cake(轻松的事).

Off the hook解放啦~ clean the desk加班 in blue难过 sit on the fence表示中立 like the cat got the cream喜形于色 walk in the air喜气洋洋 我一时半会儿只能想到这么多啦~

1.like father like son有其父必有其子
2.rain cats and dogs下大雨
3.every dog has its day.烦人都有得意日
4.unity is power.团结就是力量
5.yellow dog卑鄙小人
6.black dog坏家伙