Please show me ____(有理由) what to do the next how to do next what to do next how do it


Please show me ____(有理由) what to do the next how to do next what to do next how do it
Please show me ____ (有理由)
A.what to do the next to do next
C.what to do next do it

c正确 next 在这里是副词 修饰do的 所以不需要加the 特指 而how to do it 和what to do .what to do强调动作的对象what,结构上what就是do的宾语,而how to do it强调动作的方式how,必须要有个it去作do的宾语,否则句子结构上不完整.d选项how 接动词时加to 就不用说了 所以选C