你们有运动包吗?用英语怎么说?Do you have bags____ ____?


你们有运动包吗?用英语怎么说?Do you have bags____ ____?

for sports
有不会的可以再问我:)你好!我又有问题不会 ! 请你回答!用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。Tom is the___(three)boy 2.September is the___(nine) month of the year. 3.What day is the ____(one)day of a week?4. Today is July the_____(twenty-five),nineteen ninety-eight.5.The___(tow)desk my desk. 6.There are twelve____in a year. 句型转换July is the seventh month of the year(对July提问)___ ___ is the seventh month of theyear问那么多你想累死我啊!?采纳了另问吧,谢谢。