急~道简单的英文数学题..由于水平有限..不太明白题目意思1.factor the following completely:12a^5-18a^4-6a^3 (注,a^5=a的5次方) ———不用解答,告诉我一下题目让我做什么呢..2.simplify and state restrictions:式子比较复杂,就不写了..题目是首先让我化简,然后..我就看不懂了..3.大标题是find 小题目是the ternth term of an arithmetic sequence when its first term is 3 and the common difference is __?完全没看懂4.find the area of the following figures:是不是说求下列图形的面积?5.divide: x^3+7x^2-11x+4byx+5 这里的divide是什么意思呢..肯定不是分离或者是除以的意思,难道是 分配?..不懂..大家帮帮忙哦,不胜感激不好意思。。第三题


1.factor the following completely:
12a^5-18a^4-6a^3 (注,a^5=a的5次方) ———不用解答,告诉我一下题目让我做什么呢..
2.simplify and state restrictions:
3.大标题是find 小题目是the ternth term of an arithmetic sequence when its first term is 3 and the common difference is __?完全没看懂
4.find the area of the following figures:是不是说求下列图形的面积?
5.divide: x^3+7x^2-11x+4byx+5 这里的divide是什么意思呢..肯定不是分离或者是除以的意思,难道是 分配?..不懂..大家帮帮忙哦,不胜感激
不好意思。。第三题题目打错了。。。看懂了。。是关于数列的。。。common difference 是不是公差?

1.factor the following completely:大概 是分解因式的意思
2.simplify and state restrictions:大概题目是让你化简,然后求值
the ternth term of an arithmetic sequence when its first term is 3 and the common difference is大概意思是第一题的结果于什么3的差
4.find the area of the following figures大概是让你求取值范围

1、factor分解因子 2、化简并说明约束条件 3、楼主写错词了似乎,是tenth吧,term是项,大致是“计算结果的第十项……”,“when its first term is 3”是“第一项是3 ”,最后问“公差是几”(common difference is __?)...