根据要求和提示写一张明信片给你的朋友 书面表达提示:我现在在纽约度假,春节要到了,我的朋友们想要举行一个盛大的晚会.晚会上有很多趣事.第一,我能看到狮子舞,他非常有趣,第二,我们回放烟火,第三,我想和朋友们一起进行音乐和舞蹈表演.你在北京是怎么样庆祝春节的呢?(可适当发挥)


根据要求和提示写一张明信片给你的朋友 书面表达

Dear Lucy,
How are you doing these days? I'm in New York for my vacation now. The Spring Festival is coming, my friends and I are planning to hold a big party to celebrate the festival. There will be a lot of things for us to do during the party. First, we can see the lion dance. Second, we are going to fire the fireworks. Finally, I will play music and dance with my friends.
What's your plan for the Spring Festival? I can't help waiting for your answer. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, too.
Li Lei