请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文作文,中文只是参考,不必完全更具中文翻译.这个星期是新学期的第一周.发书的时候,我们班的一个同学一拿到书就激动的说这将是他在语言学校学的最后一套书.于是我们班的其他同学就开玩笑说:“虽然这是你的最后一套书,但是你未必一次就过哦,说不定要读两次.”相比较A阶段的课程,B阶段的课程的考试总会难很多.按照惯例B阶段会有两篇写作,其中一篇要求你在不借助字典的情况下,当场写一篇较长的学术文章.这是很多学生在担心的一项考试.This week is the first week of new term. When distributing books , one of my classmate was quite exciting when he get book, and said: “These books will be my last term books in the language school." And we joked him: “Yes, they may


This week is the first week of new term. When distributing books , one of my classmate was quite exciting when he get book, and said: “These books will be my last term books in the language school." And we joked him: “Yes, they may be your last book, but it is not means you will pass this term just once, maybe will twice."
Compare the term A, the exam of the term B will always harder.
There will be two writing exam in the end. One of them require you writing a long academic essay without dictionary in maybe two hours in the classroom. That's why so many students feel nervous just in the term start.