对划线部分提问 1.We are going to have a picnic by the lake( by the lake)2We are going to have a test this Friday(this Friday)3..I'm going to be a pilot when I grow up(a pilot)4.Tom wants to be a teacher when he grows up(a teacher)5.I went to be a doctor because Ithink it's interesting(because Ithink it's interesting)6.my father wented to be a computer programmer when he was a child.(a computer programmer)7.The Green are going to move to France.


对划线部分提问 1.We are going to have a picnic by the lake( by the lake)
2We are going to have a test this Friday(this Friday)
3..I'm going to be a pilot when I grow up(a pilot)
4.Tom wants to be a teacher when he grows up(a teacher)
5.I went to be a doctor because Ithink it's interesting(because Ithink it's interesting)
6.my father wented to be a computer programmer when he was a child.(a computer programmer)
7.The Green are going to move to France.

1.Where are you going to have a picnic?
2.When are you going to have a test ?
3.What are you going to be when you grow up?
4.What does Tom want to bewhen he grows up?
5.Why do you want to be a doctor?
6.What did your father want to be when he was a child?

1.We are going to have a picnic by the lake( by the lake)
how are you going to have a picnic ?
2We are going to have a test this Friday(this Friday)
when are you going to have a test?
3..I'm going to be a pilot when I grow up(a pilot)
what are you going to be when you grow up?
4.Tom wants to be a teacher when he grows up(a teacher)
what does Tom want to be when he grows up?
5.I want to be a doctor because Ithink it's interesting(because Ithink it's interesting)
why did you want to be a doctor ?
6.my father wented to be a computer programmer when he was a child.(a computer programmer)
what did your father want to be when he was a child?
7.The Green are going to move to France.

1.We are going to have a picnic by the lake( by the lake)how are you going to have a picnic 2We are going to have a test this Friday(this Friday)when are you going to have a test?3..I'm going to be ...