1.This is ------that I don`t want to do it any more.答案为such boring work为什么?2.When do you want it?--Tomorrow,_____.A.it possible B.if possible C.it`s possible D.if it possible为什么?3.The match___over when they___to the playgroud.填was和got,不是应该过去的过去吗?4.when后面有时将来时有时现在时说说它的用法.5.Tokyo is large than ___in India.A.any other city B.any city C.the other city D.other city为什么?第一个是such boring work而不是such a boring work


1.This is ------that I don`t want to do it any more.答案为such boring work为什么?
2.When do you want it?--Tomorrow,_____.A.it possible B.if possible C.it`s possible D.if it possible为什么?
3.The match___over when they___to the playgroud.填was和got,不是应该过去的过去吗?
5.Tokyo is large than ___in India.A.any other city B.any city C.the other city D.other city为什么?
第一个是such boring work而不是such a boring work

1such a boring work=too boring to work2B3比赛结束和到达赛场是同一时间段4具体你可以参考这一段.when,while,as引导时间状语从句的区别 when,while,as显然都可以引导时间状语从句,但用法区别非常大.一、when可以和...