英语作文.How can we have a healthy body?We should.(4条)We should't.(4条)


英语作文.How can we have a healthy body?
We should.(4条)
We should't.(4条)

Do you want have a healthy body?If you want to have a healthy body, you must exercise。Well,in many countries,exercising is a good healthy lifestyle(生活方式)。And many people exercise,eat too much healthy food everyday。This lifestyle helps them keep very healthy。If you don't exercise and eat healthy food,your body will become weak day by day(一天比一天衰弱)。In addition(另外),you shouldn`t eat too much junk food ,like(例如)eating French fries and hamburages。So we must do much exercise and eat healthy food every day 。

We should eat healthy food,We should do exercise.We should sleep early.we should have a positive attitude to our lives.
We should't sleep late We should't drink soft drinks We should't always get angry We should'talways have fried food