1.The beautiful d( ) ring had gone.2.I am going to take the p( ) to the post office this afternoon3.In the end he had to s( ) in order to survive(幸存)4.Her family went to see her off at the a( ).5.There were two security g( ) on duty outside the building.结合句意根据首字母给出的提示 写出单词 并注意运用正确形式


1.The beautiful d( ) ring had gone.2.I am going to take the p( ) to the post office this afternoon
3.In the end he had to s( ) in order to survive(幸存)4.Her family went to see her off at the a( ).5.There were two security g( ) on duty outside the building.结合句意根据首字母给出的提示 写出单词 并注意运用正确形式

2 parcel 包裹 4 airport (see off 送别)


diamond (diamond ring 钻戒)

parcel (包裹)

steal (盗窃)【最后,他不得不盗窃为生.】

airport (机场)

guards (门卫)