英语 填词‘‘help‘- -||‘‘‘depend on,remember ,still,opinion,friends ,respect,give up,talented,prove,honest.Dear Hilary,Don't worry about being an outsider.You work so hard to be__with girls who don't want to be around you.But don't ever change who you are for them.You wonder if people are right when they say you're not__and that you should __your"hobby" of acting.But you have to surround yourself with people who__you,are__with you,and support your goals.whe


英语 填词‘‘help‘- -||‘‘‘
depend on,remember ,still,opinion,friends ,respect,give up,talented,prove,honest.
Dear Hilary,
Don't worry about being an outsider.You work so hard to be__with girls who don't want to be around you.But don't ever change who you are for them.You wonder if people are right when they say you're not__and that you should __your"hobby" of acting.But you have to surround yourself with people who__you,are__with you,and support your goals.
when things get tough,just__that this is a necessary chapter in your life that is unfolding exactly as it should.Someday,you'll be living your dream but will__hear"no"-----and you'll still have to work hard and__yourself .But you can't let someone else's "no"define you,and you can't__one person or thing to make you happy.It's your__of yourself that matters---it makes you who you are.
这是一封信.虽然很难..但求大家帮帮忙..最上面的是要供选择的词,选好将词填入__,不要填入”-----” ”----"只是破折..号 thank you‘‘‘帮我的朋友!

friends..talented..give up..respect..honest..remember..still..prove..depend on..opinion