Although I would like to help you,I'm afraid I'm simply too busy at the moment.Though I admie him much as a writer,I do not like him as a man.请把这两句话的前两句改成那种用as的形式~就像though I tried hard,可以改成hard as I tried一样要这样改的


Although I would like to help you,I'm afraid I'm simply too busy at the moment.
Though I admie him much as a writer,I do not like him as a man.
就像though I tried hard,可以改成hard as I tried一样

badly as I would like to help,后略
As a writer,much as I admire him,后略

Much/hardly as I would like to help you, I'm afraid I'm simply too busy at the moment.
Much as I admire him as a writer,I don't like him as a man.

As I would like to help you,I'm afraid I'm simply too busy at the moment.
As I admie him much as a writer,I do not like him as a man.

让步状语从句 AS换THOUGH