英语翻译1、经过检查库存,每种风格的样品还剩余各一套,我可以提供给你.2、关于bone china样品.我们之前都说过,需要修改的风格实在是太多了,你知道,在过去几个月,我们开发了很多的样品,但是到目前为止还没有收到任何的订单,工厂不同意继续再大量开发这些样品.你可以从中挑选3-4款风格的样品优先制作.由于百度经常会关闭帖子,所以,翻译好了,


2、关于bone china样品.我们之前都说过,需要修改的风格实在是太多了,你知道,在过去几个月,我们开发了很多的样品,但是到目前为止还没有收到任何的订单,工厂不同意继续再大量开发这些样品.你可以从中挑选3-4款风格的样品优先制作.

1. After checking the stock of products, I found there is one set left for each style of sample that I can offer you.
2. About the sample of "bone china", which we have talked about, there simply are too many style designs need to be changed. As you know, we have developed many samples during the past few months, but we haven't received any order of them till now. As a result, the factory wouldn't produce these sample in a great quantity. So, you can choose 3 or 4 samples of different styles to be produced first.