对画线部分提问.They did very well in the football match.对“did very well ”这一部分进行提问.如何还有一个同义语转换:I will give this picture to you when I finsh it.如何转换为:I will give this picture to you when I am ___ ____.


对画线部分提问.They did very well in the football match.对“did very well ”这一部分进行提问.如何
还有一个同义语转换:I will give this picture to you when I finsh it.如何转换为:I will give this picture to you when I am ___ ____.

是不是这样啊:they did very well in the football match,did they?
亦或 have they done well for the football match?
还是 did they do well for the football match?
I will give this picture to you when I finsh it.转换为:I will give this picture to you when I am DONE.