一篇英语作文.关于一篇70词左右的盗窃案件短文.(最好今天上午给我回复吧!)内容提示:内容提示:昨晚十二点半,当所有人正在睡觉时,两个小偷闯入二楼的一个实验室(lab),在那里发现了一些昂贵的仪器(equipment).正当准备将仪器搬出楼时,门卫(doorkeeper)听到响动,并立即打电话向学校附近的派出所报了警.两个窃贼被抓了.警察告诫(warn)大家要防范窃贼.A crime happened in the schoolAt 12:30last night,——————————————————————.(就这一篇英语作文.)


A crime happened in the school
At 12:30last night,——————————————————————.

At 12:30 last night, when everybody was asleep, two thieves broke into a lab on the second floor and there, they found some expensive equipment. When they were trying to move the equipment out of the building, the doorkeeper heard the sound and immediately called the police nearby the school. The two thieves were at last caught/arrested 20 minutes later. The policemen warned everyone to keep away from thieves.