Is this research center____you visited the modern equipment last year?(C) A.where B.that C.the one that D.the one where


Is this research center____you visited the modern equipment last year?(C)
A.where B.that C.the one that D.the one where

我认为你的答案不对,因为you visited the modern equipment 这句话不缺成分。这题我认为选A或D都是可以的。
当选A时where you visited the modern equipment 作表语
当选D时the one 做先行词,where you visited the modern equipment 做定语
各位看客,去网上查一查吧,很多复习资料上都有这题,而且绝大多数的答案都是D(虽然我认为A也可以).但C是肯定不行的,这句话中visit不缺宾语,它的宾语是the modern equipment

the one 作为先行词,后边that 引导一个定语从句。

首先这道题考查的是定语从句where引导定语从句时,是从句中缺少状语时用的,如果先行词是center的话,放入从句应当是visit the center而不是visit in the center所以此处缺的是宾语而非状语,所以A错而选B,以center为先...

This research center is the one that you visited the modern equipment last year.