英语作文:以My Sunday为题,介绍一下你星期天的活动.假如你的星期天生活和平日有所不同,请根据下列提示,以My Sunday为题,介绍一下你星期天的活动.要求:语句通顺,合乎逻辑;语言语法正确;书写工整,美观;词数60-80.Time Activity7:00 get up8:00 eat breakfast8:30-10:00 do homework10:00-12:00 do housework14:00-16:00 play volleyball17:00 eat dinner19:00-20:30 watch TV21:00 go to bed根据上面的写.


英语作文:以My Sunday为题,介绍一下你星期天的活动.
假如你的星期天生活和平日有所不同,请根据下列提示,以My Sunday为题,介绍一下你星期天的活动.要求:语句通顺,合乎逻辑;语言语法正确;书写工整,美观;词数60-80.
Time Activity
7:00 get up
8:00 eat breakfast
8:30-10:00 do homework
10:00-12:00 do housework
14:00-16:00 play volleyball
17:00 eat dinner
19:00-20:30 watch TV
21:00 go to bed

I don't want to waste any time on Sundays,so a plan always helps a lot.
I am going to get up at 7:00,have breakfast at 8:00.Homework will be done before 10:00.The following is houswork,which is from 10:00 to 12:00.My Sunday can be simple,but can't be without volleyball,so 14:00 to 16:00 is game time.The following is dinner at 17:00.Watching TV from 19:00 to 20:30 will be another entertainment.At last,I am going to be in my bed at 21:00.Wum,it looks like a nice day.