quite a lot;quite a few;quite a bit;quite a little在用法上有什么区别?


quite a lot;quite a few;quite a bit;quite a little在用法上有什么区别?

bit和a little都作"一点儿"讲,但用法不同.1)a bit和a little在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示"一点儿"的意思.例如:
The speaker spoke up a bit/a little so as to make himself heard more clearly.
演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚.2)a bit和a little在否定句中的意思恰恰相反,not a bit相当于"not at all"(一点儿都不);not a little相当于"very(much)"或"extremely"(很、非常).例如:
She is not a bit tired.(=She is not tired at all.)她一点都不累.3)a little可以直接作定语修饰名词,而a bit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语,两者都只能修饰不可数名词.例如:There is a little/a bit of food left for lunch.午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了.4)a bit of的另一种形式是bits of,a little则没有这种变体.例如:Besides this,he used part of an old army wireless set,and some bits of wood.除此之外,他还利用了一部分旧的军用无线电发报机的一部分零件和一些木片.
.many,much,(a) few,(a) little
   a.many,(a) few 只用于可数名词前,much,(a) little 只用于不可数名词前,如:
    many (a few,few) books
    much (a little,little) water
   b.many 和much 主要用在否定句和疑问句中,但它们前面加too 或so时就多用在肯定句中,如:
    We didn't spend much money.
    How many books do you have?
    You made too (so) many mistakes.   c.a few (= several) 和a little (= some) 含肯定意义;
    few (= not many) 和little (= not much)含否定意义.few,a few,little,a little
(1)few,a few是可数的,little,a little是不可数的.
(2)a few,a little含肯定意味,few,little含否定意味.这里所谓的“肯定意味”和“否定意味”应该这样来理同样是半杯水,口渴者会认为:There is little water in the glass.而不口渴的人则会认为:There is a little water in the glass.一:
2.few (= not many; hardly any)含否定意义;a few (= some; several; a small
number of) 含肯定意义.
3. not a few = no few = quite a few = a good few = many.
4. 当 few受 every,last,past,next,some,very等词所修饰时,表示肯定意义,few之前不再有冠词.如:
In the last few minutes,he checked up his paper again.
It took us some few days to repair the machine.
They are very few in number.
There were too few of them.
He goes to see his grandma every few weeks.
5. 在非正式文体中很少见,一般用或代替,如:
Only a few people attended the meeting.另外,little / a little
Little remains to be done about it.(作主语)
A little remains to be done.
Please give me a little.(作宾语)
He knows a little of everything.
There is very / but little time left.(作定语)
Don’t worry; you still have a little time.
1. little修饰不可数名词,表示“量”.
2. little含否定意义(反义词:much);a little含肯定意义(反义词:none).
3. 在非正式英语中,一般很少用little,常用not much,only a little来代替,如:
We haven’t got much money / time.
much修饰不可数名词,如I don't have much money.
many修饰可数名词,如many books,many people……
lots + of = a lots of.
后接可数、不可数名词皆可.a lot = very much.
quite a few 相当多.
比如:Quite a few of the students were late.不少学生迟到了.
但是因为是a few,所以+可数名词
quite a little许多、相当多.=much
quite a bit 和quite a lot
这两个在英语上的解释是:If you've got quite a bit of something,or quite a lot of something,you have a fairly large amount of it.其实也就是相当多,很多的意思.
George made quite a bit of money in his first business,but instead of retiring young,he went on to make quite a lot more.
If you want to learn to play the piano,you'll need to spend quite a lot of money on lessons,and spend quite a bit of time practising.