学英语的感受对中国人学英语,却把自己国家的语言都到说不准的作文,而英语却说得很流利.作文,200字就够了从网上复制也行 用汉语写


从网上复制也行 用汉语写

希望自己有一天能说一口流利的英语。。我是英语专业的,在学校也学不到什么。。 英语说得流利自己国家的语言说不准,那就是个人的问题了,两者不可偏废呀,尤其在国际化的今天。另外可以用英语去教外国人中文,所以要加油了!


The martial arts are just talking about it, do not recognize their deep culture, only to walk in their own half-baked knowledge of the world, how can we say that it is to learn English well? Therefore, as a native of China, in order to learn English, learn English first, through the collision of cultures between English on the English-depth understanding and insights, to be a Chinese and English all-rounder.
At present, there is a situation, some students put on society than the English language is also important that people learn English better than others, this is very one-sided and can even learn their mother tongue are not good people, how can realizing that the true meaning of it in English?