几个句子,英文翻译.谢谢.高手进.英文翻译. 简洁易懂就好,无需什么正规的语法.一直都很怕自作多情.所以甚至连打开你空间的勇气都要经过再三斟酌.眼眶很湿热,心有些鼓鼓涨涨的.因为在乎触动.因为是真心话.所以才不能用敷衍的话语写着,仿佛千言万语都只无从说起.看你空间的照片,也一直犹豫很久.看完了,果然是预期中的,心空荡荡的,没有原因.真的不敢想起你,想起你总是有股涩涩的滋味.谢谢你,那时一直容忍着我的坏脾气.谢谢你.到现在才知道,当时你对我是那么那么地好,而我是多么多么地自私.虽然再也回不到从前了,但那些曾经有过的记忆是永远也磨灭不了的.心里的那个位置永远都是你的.虽然有些煽情,但都是心理最真的话.


英文翻译. 简洁易懂就好,无需什么正规的语法.

Offer your unrequited love has always been afraid of.
So even the courage to open the space you have to go through lot of thought.
Very hot and humid eyes, heart and some bulging up inflation.
Since touch care. Since it is the truth. So it can not be written discourse perfunctory, as if a thousand words just can not talk about.
You watch the space photos, have been hesitating a long time. Reading, and indeed are expected, the heart empty, there is no reason.
True dare not think of you, think of you always have stocks涩涩taste.
Thank you, at that time has been tolerance of my bad temper.
Thank you.
Did not know until recently, when you told me are so so good, and I how how are selfish.
Although will never before, but those who have once been an indelible memory are also unable to Forever.
Mind that the location will always be you.
Although some sensational, but they are psychologically the most true.

Has feared very much the original work is full of affection. therefore even the company opens your space the courage to pass through considers again and again. the eye socket is very hot and damp, the heart some drum drum rises. because cares about touches. Because is the real soul talk. Therefore only then cannot use the words which is perfunctory to write, the countless words only without knowing where to begin mention as if. looks at your space the picture, also has hesitated is very long. Looked, was really anticipated, the heart was empty, did not have the reason. really does not dare to remember you, remembers you always to have the stock astringent taste. thanks you, has been tolerating my bad temperament at that time. thanks you. only then knew to the present that at that time you to me were that good, but I was how selfish. although could also not return again formerly, but these had had the memory was forever also cannot obliterate. the that position at heart forever is your. although somewhat sensational, but is the psychological most real words.

Offer your unrequited love has always been afraid of.
So even the courage to open the space you have to go through lot of thought.
Very hot and humid eyes,heart and some bulging up inflation.
Since touch care.Since it is the truth.So it can not be written discourse perfunctory,as if a thousand words just can not talk about.
You watch the space photos,have been hesitating a long time.Reading,and indeed are expected,the heart empty,there is no reason.
True dare not think of you,think of you always have stocks涩涩taste.
Thank you,at that time has been tolerance of my bad temper.
Thank you.
Did not know until recently,when you told me are so so good,and I how how are selfish.
Although will never before,but those who have once been an indelible memory are also unable to Forever.
Mind that the location will always be you.
Although some sensational,but they are psychologically the most true.