求 英文翻译,急,请尽量 不要用直译工具,谢谢量热器是一种测量热量等的仪器.它是由外筒和铜(或铝)质小筒组成,小筒的底部用不传热的小支架支起来,小筒放在大筒内的木支架上,而且大小筒之间有空隙,支架和大筒选用热的不良导体,这样可以防止热传导散热.将筒盖盖紧可防止辐射散热.两筒间是不易传热的空气,外筒上的盖子,一般用木料制成,其传热效率低.盖上有两个小孔,一孔插温度计,另一孔插搅动器,搅动器用来使投入水中的待测物(已知其质量和温度)跟水温迅速交换,而温度计则用来测小筒内已知质量水的初温及混合后的温度.两筒间不接触防止热的传递.


求 英文翻译,急,请尽量 不要用直译工具,谢谢

Calorimeter ia a kind of instrument for measuring the quanlity of heat. It is composed with outer barrel and copper (or aluminium) small tube. The small tube is put on the wooden bracket in the outer barrel, and on the base of small tube, there has a heat proof support. Between the outer barrel and small tube, there should keep gap with water-proof air. And in order to provent the heat radiation, the material of bracket and outer barrel should be bad conductor of heat. Regarding to the cover of the outer barrel, generally speaking, it's made of wood, which has low heat transfer effeciency. To have this cover, it could stop the heat dissipation from radiation. There has two holes on the coverm one for thermometer, and one for stirrer. The stirrer is used for the exchange of the determinand (have it's temperature and quality) put into the water and the water, and the thermometer is used to measure the beginning temperature of water in the small tube and the temperature after mixing. The untouching of the two tubes could stop the heat transmission.

The calorimeter is one kind of survey quantity of heat and so on instrument.It is (or aluminum) the nature small tube is composed of the outer sleeve and the copper,the small tube's base with the smal...