请答题者先从语法正确与否开始分析对错,然后才是句意是否搭配!1课文After they had entered the house,they went into the dining room.他们进到屋里后,走进了饭厅.我写的they were into the house ,went to the dining room可以吗?2课文George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.乔治听到了响声,迅速地下了楼.我写的geroge heard the voice and quickly downstairs可以吗3课文He turned on the light,but he couldn't see anyone.他开了灯,但不见一个人.我写的he turned on the light,but didn't see anyone可以吗4课文 The thieves had already gone.小偷逃走了.我写的the thelevs


1课文After they had entered the house,they went into the dining room.
我写的they were into the house ,went to the dining room可以吗?
2课文George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.
我写的geroge heard the voice and quickly downstairs可以吗
3课文He turned on the light,but he couldn't see anyone.
我写的he turned on the light,but didn't see anyone可以吗
4课文 The thieves had already gone.
我写的the thelevs run away可以吗

1.第一句不建议改动,之所以用had entered引导的过去完成时,就是为了强调动作的先后顺序,先是had entered the house,然后才是went into the dining room.楼主用的were into没有这种用法,表示进入还是应该用enter或go into;
2.第二句话中and quickly downstairs没有谓语动词啊!and引导的两个并列句子表示George发出两个不同动作heared和came,came这里绝对不可以省略!downstairs和quickly都是副词,要放在行为动词come/go的后面,而come downstairs和go downstairs是固定搭配,所以quickly放在最后.
4.第四句run away可以表示逃走的意思,但是要变成过去式啊!
应该改为:The thieves ran away.语法正确.但是从地道的角度来讲,还是用过去完成时had gone更好,因为had gone强调逃走了对现在产生的影响,而ran away强调过去逃走这个动作.