In recent years many people start to do part time jobs to increase their incomes under ther pressure of life. College students choose to do family tutor toearn their tuition fees. Some teacher do part time jobs as well. However, it brings some arguement about the teachers, especially some middle school teacher, just because their job is special.
I am not agree that teacher should not do part time jobs, for the individuals income is not high in nowadays. The price of products and houses is raising sharply. It should not be blamed to earn some extra income by using spare time. However, some middle school teachers use their advantages to teach less on class and save the knowledge for part time jobs, that will violate their Ethics.
In recent years many people under the pressure of the life, choose to do part-time to increase their income. College students choose tutor to earn the tuition. Some teachers also choose part-time to increase their income. But because the teachers in this special vocational and called to the criticism, especially secondary school teachers.
In all fairness do part-time teachers I personally don't oppose, because now personal income is not high. Commodity prices, and soaring property prices. Through his hard, using the spare time for themselves to increase the income what is wrong? But some secondary school teachers to use own convenience in teaching time less teach some, a part-time XiDian when speaking. It is contrary to teacher's professional moral.
In recent years ,many people forced the pressures of life, began to choose to do part-time to increase their own income. College students choose to do part-time teacher to earn tuition. Some teach...