请英语好的来剖析一下小生七年级的英语作文语法错误中文:我盼望着去北京爬长城,我的愿望终于要实现了本周末我们全家打算去爬长城,将在那儿呆两天;我们将坐火车去,乘飞机回来.我打算拍一些美景,妈妈打算带一些吃的、喝的东西.此刻我们在做准备.英文:I'm looking forward to Beijing climb the Great Wall,I wish finally to achieveThis weekend we family plan to go to the Great Wall,will stay there for two days; We will go by train,fly back.I'm going to take some beauty,mom going to take some food,something to drink.Now we in preparation.


英文:I'm looking forward to Beijing climb the Great Wall,I wish finally to achieve
This weekend we family plan to go to the Great Wall,will stay there for two days; We will go by train,fly back.
I'm going to take some beauty,mom going to take some food,something to drink.Now we in preparation.



I'm looking forward to climbing the Great Wall in beijing ,my dream will come ture .My family plan to go to the Great Wall,we will stay here for two days.We will go by train and get back by plane.
I'm going to take some beautiful photos,my mother is going to take something to eat and drink.
Now we are in preparation.Have a great time!


I'm looking forward to going to Beijing to climb the Great Wall.My wish will come true finally.This weekend my family plan to go to the Great Wall,and will stay there for two days.We'll go there by train and fly back.I'm going to take some photos of natural beauty there.Mom is going to take some food and something to drink.Now we're in preparation.

I'm looking forward to Beijing climb the Great Wall,(be look foward to后面加doing,不可以像你这么用,建议改成I'm looking forward to climbing the Great Wall in Beijing) I wish finally to achieve(此句语法似不通,你不会是用翻译工具翻译的吧?建议改成My dream will come true)
This weekend we family (we改成my)plan to go to the Great Wall.(添上We) will stay there for two days; We will go(+there) by train and fly back.
I'm going to take some beauty(beauty改成photos of beautiful view)(+and)mom is going to take some food, something to drink.(, something to drink改成and drink)Now we in preparation.(全句改成Now we are preparing for it.)