用英语写一篇旅游相关的作文.量就用一张纸的一半分量.作文要求:one paragraph answer the following questionlast - I went to.in - I went to.where did you go?what kind of transportation did you take?when did you leave(day and time)?who did you travel with?What did you do when you were there(3 things)?when did you get back?地点以韩国中国为主达人帮个忙。


one paragraph answer the following question
last - I went to.
in - I went to.
where did you go?
what kind of transportation did you take?
when did you leave(day and time)?
who did you travel with?
What did you do when you were there(3 things)?
when did you get back?

Last summer vacation,I went to the country that I always wanted to go,which is Korea.Korea is always on the top of my travel list due to its interesting culture and especially the culture of k-pop and...