


You need at least 3 elements in creating a story -- Time, Place and Characters
Here are my suggestion
1) Midnight, Vampire, Orphanage, Priest
2) Jesus, Confucius, Desert, Noon
3) President-elect, Assassin, Dirty bomb, Downtown

Tom was an excellent athlete,he used to take part in many national 100 meter compition and be a champion once.Unfortunately,he had a car accident and lost one of his legs.He was so desperate that he even had written a posthumous letter in spite of his parents' reassurance and encouragement,however one day,a telegram came and it gave him the hope to live the rest of his life.It said that he will receive a free operation and be set a plastic leg for his former contribution to the sporting world.From then on,he go on pursuing his career and paticipating in sport competition for disabled man.