


One day,Damon saw stefan fell down.Damon arduous back up stefan took him home.
But after he get home,stefan's mother blame Damon that stefan hurt Damon.
Finally even stefan said Damon hurt him too,Damon go sadly .
One day,Lisa go to the
supermarket with her mother.Lisa take a moment that her mother do not pay attention to slip
away,and then lost.Finally with the help of the police,Lisa went back to her mother.
One day,Ann ride in rainy days,because the road was too slippery that she fell down.Fell so badly that she couldn't walk.Finally,with the help of the
police,the little girl was sent to the hospital.Finally recovered.
Jane used
to be a fat man,and he was very hard to
climb the
stairs.one day a doctor told her to do more
sports,drink more water.Then,Jane began to exercise.At last,Jane became
thin and healthy.