用get on well with sb ,get on well with sth,not until,until,all kinds of造句(翻译)要快!


用get on well with sb ,get on well with sth,not until,until,all kinds of造句(翻译)要快!

1.Mary is getting on well with her little cusin.玛丽与她的小堂弟相处融洽.
2.They are getting on well with the autumn harvest.他们的秋收工作进展得很顺利.
3.We didn't get home until 8 o'clock.我们八点钟才回到家.
4.We worked until late in the evening.我们一直工作到夜里很晚.
5.There are all kinds of teddy bears in that shop.那家店里有各种各样的泰迪熊.