


Communicative skills has played an important role with the changing society and advancing technology. The rearch on communicative capacity and communicative culture are inevitable for its practicability and the urgent need for modern society.Starting from the significance of communicative ability and culture on modern society and the problems existing in communication at home and abroad,and the impact on social intercourse by mental block, this article analyses how to improve communicative ability and broaden communicative culture.First,it explains the meaning of communicative ability and culture and follows the aspects involved in communicative culture.Aiming at its cited examples,it requests the stress on etiquettes amid communication and the service manner.
The cutural differences existing among China and foreign countries include such aspects as daily customs,proprieties, ethnics,psychology,and social life. It gives an all-round analysis on mental block- a common social phenomenon. Finally,it puts forward the specific measures we should take to improve communicative ablity and broaden communicative culture.