五年级英语补充习题第九单元题目帮我做下Let"s make a clock.Good idea ,but i don"t___huw to make it.let me___ yuo how to make it.Give me some___p;easeDraw a circle.And then—— one to___.All right.Draw a small star and two rectangles.Then cut then out.OK_____forget to use a pin and a rubberOK


Let"s make a clock.Good idea ,but i don"t___huw to make it.
let me___ yuo how to make it.Give me some___p;ease
Draw a circle.And then—— one to___.
All right.
Draw a small star and two rectangles.
Then cut then out.
_____forget to use a pin and a rubber

Let"s make a clock.Good idea ,but i don"t _know__how to make it.
let me_tell__ you how to make it.Give me some_tools_please
Draw a circle. And then—— one to___.(拜托你把这写清楚点,我看都看不懂)
All right.
Draw a small star and two rectangles.
Then cut then out.
__Don't___forget to use a pin and a rubber

I don't (know) how to make it.(我不知道怎么做)
let me (tell) you (让我来告诉你) Give me some (papers) 给我一些纸
And then——one to (twelve)(然后——从1到12)
(Don't) forget to use a pin and a rubber. (不要忘记用上一个钉子和橡皮)

tell paper