英语翻译1 史密斯医生往窗外看,突然看到一个青年向他的诊所奔来.Doctor Smith looked out of the window ,he caught sight of a youth racing towards his clinic .2 艾米过去除了咖啡什么也不喝Amy used to drink nothing but coffee .3 当迈拉知道她丈夫在车祸中受伤,一下子伤心地哭了As Mala got to know her husband hurt in accident ,she sadly broke into tears .4 我们好几天没看到怀特小姐,她病了还是怎么了?We have not seen Mrs White for several days ,is she ill or something


1 史密斯医生往窗外看,突然看到一个青年向他的诊所奔来.
Doctor Smith looked out of the window ,he caught sight of a youth racing towards his clinic .
2 艾米过去除了咖啡什么也不喝
Amy used to drink nothing but coffee .
3 当迈拉知道她丈夫在车祸中受伤,一下子伤心地哭了
As Mala got to know her husband hurt in accident ,she sadly broke into tears .
4 我们好几天没看到怀特小姐,她病了还是怎么了?
We have not seen Mrs White for several days ,is she ill or something

A doctor Smith looked out of the window, saw suddenly a young man went straight towards his clinic
2 Amy drank nothing except coffee in the past
3 is as Myra knows her husband get hurt in traffic accident, cry sadly quickly
4 we see White Miss several days, she getting ill or what if?

1 两个并列分句之间一定要加连词and;一个青年翻译成a young man更好
2 没问题
3 由于主句已经是一般过去时态,know后面那个分句应该是过去完成时态,her husband had been hurt in an accident.
4 Mrs改成Miss就行了,估计笔误吧~

1.Dr.Smith was looking out of the window,suddently he caught sight of a young man who was runing to his clinic.
2.Agreed with LZ.
3.The moment that Mala heard her husband got hurt in a car accident,she broke into tears.
4.Haven't seen MS.White for days.

1. When doctor Smith looked out of the window , he suddenly caught sight of a youth racing towards his clinic .
3.As Mala got to know that her husband injured in the accident ,shebroke into tears sadly.
4.We have not seen Mrs White for several days ,is she ill or something else?