根据句意和首字母提示补全单词1.There is a pay phone in the n___.2.People put their money into a b____.3.Is there a b_______near here?I want to buy some books.4.The hotei is a_______ from the museum.5.Li Lei ia posting a letter to his friend in the post o______.6.You can play games in the v_____ arcade.7.You can reada lot of books in the l_____.8.A h_____ has rooms and restaurant.9.The school is b____the park and the library.10.If you are h________,you can buy some f


1.There is a pay phone in the n___.
2.People put their money into a b____.
3.Is there a b_______near here?I want to buy some books.
4.The hotei is a_______ from the museum.
5.Li Lei ia posting a letter to his friend in the post o______.
6.You can play games in the v_____ arcade.
7.You can reada lot of books in the l_____.
8.A h_____ has rooms and restaurant.
9.The school is b____the park and the library.
10.If you are h________,you can buy some food to eat in the shop.
那个有的单词我填在书上了 但是不知道是不是对的 请帮我~

1 near
2 bank
3 bookstore
4 away
5 office
6 vacant
7 library
8 hotel
9 beside
10 hungry