额.能不能帮我写篇英语口语考试主题是9.Three students are talking about their favorite cities to live in.A prefers Xiamen,B prefers Tibet,and C likes Taipei.They have different reasons,including cost of living,population,weather,transportation,crime,traffic,and pollution.10.A is coming to Xiamen to visit his friend B who is studying in Huaqiao University.This is the first time A has been in Xiamen,so he doesn’t know how to get to the university from the Xiamen Train Sta


主题是9.Three students are talking about their favorite cities to live in.A prefers Xiamen,B prefers Tibet,and C likes Taipei.They have different reasons,including cost of living,population,weather,transportation,crime,traffic,and pollution.
10.A is coming to Xiamen to visit his friend B who is studying in Huaqiao University.This is the first time A has been in Xiamen,so he doesn’t know how to get to the university from the Xiamen Train Station.Then he calls B and asks for directions.When A finally arrives at the university,he cannot find his way to the dormitory.Then student C tells A how to walk from the entrance gate to the dormitory.
有两篇.看着可能有点长.但是.很急要考试了.英语不好.写不出来.帮帮哈.小弟在此先行谢过哈.- -没财富了.不然.我肯定给你

第二篇A is making a phone callA: Hello, is that B speaking?B:yes,oh,A,you are here in xiamen ?where are you ?i will bring you to my university/A; oh ,i am in xiamen train station, but i don't konw how...