英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:最近在我上发生了很多事情,很多我付出了很多心血和努力的事,最后却没有得到好的结果.这让我非常的失望甚至是有一点绝望.所以听了你的故事很有感触.我愿意相信一切都会好起来的,只是真的希望那一天早一点到来.同样,也希望你的生活一切顺利.我的翻译:Actually,there a lot of terrible things happen on me recently.A lot of things which I worked very hard on it but did not get a good result.This makes me not only sad but also despair.That's why I'm so touching when I hear your story.I try to believe everything will be fine and I truly hope it could co


Actually,there a lot of terrible things happen on me recently.A lot of things which I worked very hard on it but did not get a good result.This makes me not only sad but also despair.That's why I'm so touching when I hear your story.I try to believe everything will be fine and I truly hope it could come soon.I also hope everything on you is OK.