求解这道定语从句题目与定语从句难题要点讲解Li Ming____to the concert enjoyed it very muchA.i went with.B.with whom i wentC.with who i wentDiwent with him顺便再给我讲解定语从句难点以及that,which,where用法上的选择 第二题:This is the hotel_____last monthA.which they stayed.B.at that they stayedc.where they stayed atD.where they stayed


Li Ming____to the concert enjoyed it very much
A.i went with.
B.with whom i went
C.with who i went
Diwent with him
第二题:This is the hotel_____last month
A.which they stayed.
B.at that they stayed
c.where they stayed at
D.where they stayed

B Dthat 与 which一般来说可以互用,然后前面有个逗号的时候只能用which,指代前面所有的句子,where= 介词+which,就如上题的at which they stayed = where they stayed,which多用于指代物,who指代人,介宾短语中,语法上...