英语翻译①这星期的讲座专门谈如何活的快乐(focus on )②照片中的小女孩让我想起了我的表妹(remind ) ③我很热,想去游泳(feel like )④我们鼓励学生参加课外活动(participate in )⑤消防员们不得不撞开门进入失火的房子(break down )


①这星期的讲座专门谈如何活的快乐(focus on )
②照片中的小女孩让我想起了我的表妹(remind )
③我很热,想去游泳(feel like )
④我们鼓励学生参加课外活动(participate in )
⑤消防员们不得不撞开门进入失火的房子(break down )

The lecture will be held this week specifically focuses on how to have a happy life.The little girl in photo reminded me of my cousin.I am very hot and feel like going to swimming.We encouraged studen...