Many people who leave school hold a negative attitude towards learning.Why does this happen?How to solve the problem?可以指导我一下如何写这篇作文吗?


Many people who leave school hold a negative attitude towards learning.Why does this happen?
How to solve the problem?

What does learning involve?
School, teachers, content, co-learners.
1) When one finds learning boring, too difficult, or useless, one will leave or drop out. He has a negative opinion about learning.
2) When one finds a school boring, too hard on students, one will leave or drop out. He hates the school.
3) When one finds teachers don't love students, or can't make teaching interesting and lively, or easy to understand, one will abandon learning. He hates teachers and learning.
4) When one finds the learning content boring, too difficult, or useless, one will stop. He hates learning.
5) When one finds unfriendly co-learners, one will escape. He is afraid of being hurt.
All of these are negative factors.
The way to solve this problem is to turn all of the negative factors into positive ones.
Using your own language to develope these into an essay.

作文很好写的,一般都是3段式,以这篇为例.第一段,描述现象,引入话题一般可以借用一个调查结果(自己编),一句名言,然后引入话题.在第一段最后提出疑问,然后说以下几点可以解释这种现象.比如 ,有个调查显示,超过80%的...