根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词.1、非常感谢你邀请我来吃晚饭.Thank you __ __me to dinner.2、那件绿色的裤子卖25美元.The green pants are __ __for $25.3、填空.(1)___a look at the bags over there.They're very nice.___one do you like?(2)The boy can't brush his___(tooth)4、改错.(1)The kids often do their homeworks at six in the afternoon.(2)She often work all night.(3)Thank you to tell me about your school.


根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词.1、非常感谢你邀请我来吃晚饭.Thank you __ __me to dinner.
The green pants are __ __for $25.
(1)___a look at the bags over there.They're very nice.___one do you like?
(2)The boy can't brush his___(tooth)
(1)The kids often do their homeworks at six in the afternoon.
(2)She often work all night.
(3)Thank you to tell me about your school.

1.for inviting2.charged for3.Have/Take.Whichteeth41)The kids often do their homework at six in the afternoon.(2)She often works all night.(3)Thank you for telling me about your school.