1.tony was playing the piano at that time.改为否定句tony [ ][ ]the piano at that time .把下列句子翻译成英语 1.他希望在将来可以周游世界 2.昨天他第一次去滑冰 3.那个故事发生在一个夏日的午后4.我们明天要去看住院的约翰 4.当她说起那个事故时,她感到很难过5.詹妮是我最好的朋友中的一个 6.这台电脑和那台一样贵


1.tony was playing the piano at that time.改为否定句tony [ ][ ]the piano at that time .
把下列句子翻译成英语 1.他希望在将来可以周游世界 2.昨天他第一次去滑冰 3.那个故事发生在一个夏日的午后4.我们明天要去看住院的约翰 4.当她说起那个事故时,她感到很难过5.詹妮是我最好的朋友中的一个 6.这台电脑和那台一样贵

tony was not playing the piano at that time.

tony wasn‘t playing the piano at that time.
(1)He hopes he can travel around the world in the future.
(3)that story happend on a afternonn of a sunny day.
(4)we will go to visit John who stay in hospital.
(5)when she told about that accident,she fell(过去)relly sad.
(6)genny is one of my best friends.
(7)this computer is as expensive as that one