(1) Is this hotel ___ you said we were to stay in your letter?(2) Is this the hotel _(急~)(1) Is this hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?(2) Is this the hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?A.that B.where C.the one D.in which 我知道第一题选B第二题选D.第一题是where引导的表语从句,那where应该翻译"哪里".那么整句话的翻译是什么?stay in 中的 in是 后面的in your letter 还是stay in 构成一个短语词组翻译"呆在家里;不外出"?第二题是定语从句,不懂怎么该理解这题!如果选in which的话,那where不是也可以啊?求外国佬,英语语法教授来帮帮忙啊!


(1) Is this hotel ___ you said we were to stay in your letter?(2) Is this the hotel _(急~)
(1) Is this hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?
(2) Is this the hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?
A.that B.where C.the one D.in which
第一题是where引导的表语从句,那where应该翻译"哪里".那么整句话的翻译是什么?stay in 中的 in是 后面的in your letter 还是stay in 构成一个短语词组翻译"呆在家里;不外出"?
第二题是定语从句,不懂怎么该理解这题!如果选in which的话,那where不是也可以啊?

第一题是C吧?This hotel is the one ..。
in your letter

(1)in your letter 是一个短语,句子意思是:这是你再信中提到的我们要待的旅馆吗?

首先这两个句子中最后的in your letter 就是在你信中的意思 这个in 跟前面没关系选项无误 1B2D1.Is this hotel 【where you said we were to stay】 in your letter?this hotel is 【where……】  这个旅馆就是你...

(1) Is this hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?
(2) Is this the hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?
A. that B. where C. the one D. in which
(1) 选C
This hotel is (the one)(where/in which) you said we were to stay in your letter?
the one 在这里指the hotel,当先行词,定语从句省略了where或in which。
This is the hotel (where/in which)you said we were to stay in your letter.
这两句中可能都少了个in .如果没少,就只能用where