从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空 ( make him happy , make them work , make her monito从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空 ( make him happy , make them work , make her monitor , make us feel angry , make me nervous )1.The girl is very active and helpful . The class ( ) last week .2. Speaking in front of so many people ( )3. The boss ( ) all day and all night.4.Staying with his friends ( ) .5. What she said ( ) .


从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空 ( make him happy , make them work , make her monito
( make him happy , make them work , make her monitor , make us feel angry , make me nervous )
1.The girl is very active and helpful . The class ( ) last week .
2. Speaking in front of so many people ( )
3. The boss ( ) all day and all night.
4.Staying with his friends ( ) .
5. What she said ( ) .

2 make me nervous
3makes them work
4make him happy
5make us feel angry
6make her monitor

1. made her monitor
2. made me nervous
3. makes them work
4. makes him happy
5. made us feel angry

1.The girl is very active and helpful .The class ( made her monitor ) last week .
2.Speaking in front of so many people ( make me nervous )
3.The boss ( make them work ) all day and all night.
4.Staying with his friends ( make him happy ) .
5.What she said ( make us feel angry ) .

很简单,1 made her monitor 2 makes me nervous 3 makes them work 4 makes him happy 5 makes us unhappy