关于I think soA-There will be more pollution.Will people have to move to other planets?B-I think so.以上对话中B的I think so 的句意是B同意people have to move to other planets吗就是说用I think so 来回答问句是默认问句是肯定的?or 默认问句要做的事(不管问句说他对还是错)持肯定态度?or 要结合上下文?


关于I think so
A-There will be more pollution.Will people have to move to other planets?
B-I think so.
以上对话中B的I think so 的句意是B同意people have to move to other planets吗
就是说用I think so 来回答问句是默认问句是肯定的?or 默认问句要做的事(不管问句说他对还是错)持肯定态度?or 要结合上下文?

i think so 可以认为B也是持这个观点,所以也就是他同意A的说法

i think so是B同意A要移居的这个观点 i think so的意思是我是这么认为的 是对提问者的肯定回答 如果与提问者意见不同 则用i don't think so来引出自己的观点 手打的 望采纳谢谢