作文 what i have learned from the movie 急用英译中的方式,请不要用翻译器,我从电影中学会珍惜家人和朋友.我们要珍惜家人,他们带给我们生命与快乐.一个生下来就见不到父母的孩子是可怜的.我们需要一个完美的家庭,需要父爱母爱.我还学到每一个家长都是爱孩子的,即使是已离婚的家长.他们还是会很关心孩子,把孩子放在第一位,当做自己最重要的人.所以我们要珍惜家人,不要再失去时后悔.


作文 what i have learned from the movie 急

I have learned on how to appreciate my family and friends from the movie.We need to appreciate our family members, because they brings us our lives and hapiness. A child that cannot see their parent since he or she was born is a poor child. We need a perfect family, need the loves from our parents. I also learned that all parents care about their children, even the parents who are divorced already. They still care so much about their children, put their children as the first in their heart, as they are the most important one in their lives. Therefore we need to appreciate our family, do not regret after we loose them.

I have learned on how to appreciate my family and friends from the movie.We need to appreciate our family members, because they brings us our lives and hapiness. A child that cannot see their parent since he or she was born is a poor child. We need a perfect family, need the loves from our parents. I also learned that all parents care about their children, even the parents who are divorced already. They still care so much about their children, put their children as the first in their heart, as they are the most important one in their lives. Therefore we need to appreciate our family, do not regret after we loose them.

i had learn from the film to treasure the family,they brought us our life and happyness.it was sad for those who were borned and the parent is gone.we need a full family,need love from both father and...