英语用所给词语的适当形式或时态填空improve explain come true care for go climbing1.The teacher asked him to _______________why he was late.2.We ___________________if we have time next Sunday.3.He gave us some advice on how to_______________ our English.4.They want to do something to _________________wild animals in danger.5.I think your dream ______________________ in the future.


improve explain come true care for go climbing
1.The teacher asked him to _______________why he was late.
2.We ___________________if we have time next Sunday.
3.He gave us some advice on how to_______________ our English.
4.They want to do something to _________________wild animals in danger.
5.I think your dream ______________________ in the future.

2.will go climing
4.care for
5.will come true

1 explain
2 will go climbing
3 improve
4 care for
5 will come true

1 explain 老师要求他解释为什么迟到.
2 will go climbing 如果下周有时间我们去爬山
3 improve 关于如何提高英语他给了我们一些建议
4 care for 他们想做些事情关心处于危险中的动物
5 will come true 我想你的梦想将来会变成现实.

1.The teacher asked him to explain why he was late. 2.We will go climbing if we have time next Sunday. 3.He gave us some advice on how to improve our English. 4.They want to do something to care for wild animals in danger. 5.I think your dream will come true in the future.