英语时态题.30.Yesterday Mary couldn't finish her homework,so she has to go on __________ it this afternoon.(do) 31.We __________ football when it began to rain.We had to stop and go home.(play) 32.Xiao Lin __________ from here for about two hours.(be away) 33.swheres__________?Can you find your birth place on the map?Sorry,I can't.(be born) 34.Last night we __________ back home until the teacher left school.(not go) 35.Comrade Li Dazhao __________ in priso


30.Yesterday Mary couldn't finish her homework,so she has to go on __________ it this afternoon.(do)
31.We __________ football when it began to rain.We had to stop and go home.(play)
32.Xiao Lin __________ from here for about two hours.(be away)
33.swheres__________?Can you find your birth place on the map?
Sorry,I can't.(be born)
34.Last night we __________ back home until the teacher left school.(not go)
35.Comrade Li Dazhao __________ in * in 1927.(put)
36.swheresis professor Lee?
He __________ to the library.He'll come back soon.(go)
37.We could not help __________ after we heard the story.(laugh)
38.Would you please __________ me an English-Chinese dictionary when you come?(bring)
39.He told me that he __________ the Great Wall the year before.(visit)
40.I'll tell him the news as soon as he __________ back.(come)
41.The boy __________ by the door is my brother.(stand)
42.Do you remember __________ the film last year?(see)
43.There __________ a physics test next Monday.(be)
44.__________ I finish my homework in class?(必须)
No,you needn't.
45.I'm sorry you've missed the last bus.It __________ ten minutes ago.(leave)
46.Wei Fang is heard __________ English every morning.(hear)
47.John stopped __________ a rest (have) because he __________ for three hours.(work)
48.I'm sorry to have kept you __________.(wait)
49.A new theatre __________ now.(build)
50.The boys __________ basketball on the playground are my classmates.(play)
51.I regretted answering like that,I was sorry __________ so.(do)
52.Can't you see I'm busy __________?(cook)
53.He __________ worried when comingsintosthe teacher's office.(look)
54.__________ come beef!(随便吃点) 55.It's a great shame for me __________ in front of so many people.(laugh at)

30.Yesterday Mary couldn't finish her homework,so she has to go on _____doing_____ it this afternoon.(do) 31.We ____were playing______ football when it began to rain.We had to stop and go home.(play) ...