倒装与时态Only when you have grown up _________understand your parents.A.will you be B.you will be C.would you be D.you would be 知道要倒装 但不知道would will区别


Only when you have grown up _________understand your parents.
A.will you be B.you will be C.would you be D.you would be
知道要倒装 但不知道would will区别

有only要到装,只有你长大后用will A

句子意思是当你长大了你才能理解父母,明显用 将来时will 而would则含有过去将来

应该是will,正常语序是you will understand your parents o nly when you have grown up .明显是现在时的语态,而would有过去时的意思