帮分析这些定语从句的成分 帮分析这些定语从句 从句里的成分 即 主谓宾/表.一旦是被动的我就不会划分成分了1.There are several reasons why we cannot do that .why we cannot do that .2.Kunming is a city where flowers are seen all the year round.where flowers are seen all the year round.3.He has never forgotten the day when he taken away from his mother and sold .when he taken away from his mother and sold .二楼的朋友 真的好热心 我确实是抄错了


帮分析这些定语从句 从句里的成分 即 主谓宾/表.
1.There are several reasons why we cannot do that .
why we cannot do that .
2.Kunming is a city where flowers are seen all the year round.
where flowers are seen all the year round.
3.He has never forgotten the day when he taken away from his mother and sold .
when he taken away from his mother and sold .
二楼的朋友 真的好热心 我确实是抄错了

why we cannot do that 修饰reasons表示 我们不能那么做的理由
where flowers are seen all the year round.修饰city ,where相当于in which
when he taken away from his mother and sold修饰the day

why we(主语) cannot do(谓语) that(宾语).
where flowers are seen all the year round.
flowers are seen all the year round.(这里省略了主语,原因可查被动语态省略主语的原因)
We see flowers all the year round.
所以where flowers are seen all the year round 从句里不缺少主语和宾语,先行词是a city,所以要用where .
when he taken away from his mother and sold .
这句你肯定抄错了.从句是被动语态.所以应该是when he was taken away from his mother and sold .
先行词是the day ,表示时间,所以用when,原因同上面的被动语态一样.