英语,定语从句中 where一点点问题1.Miss Liu,___ you talked to just now,is my maths teacher.答案是whom,但我觉得who 也可以吧..更何况后面有is my maths teacher所以更应该用主语?...2.The woman was carrying a jar ____ she had put some flowers.答案是where,为什么?不是应该是which吗>?3.Beijing is the city ___ the Olympic Games will be held in 2008.为什么是where呢?这里不是缺少宾语吗?-------顺便再和我理清一下问地点是where和which的区别,能举例子就更好了..在原有的分上继续追加5分..


英语,定语从句中 where一点点问题
1.Miss Liu,___ you talked to just now,is my maths teacher.
答案是whom,但我觉得who 也可以吧..更何况后面有is my maths teacher所以更应该用主语?...
2.The woman was carrying a jar ____ she had put some flowers.
3.Beijing is the city ___ the Olympic Games will be held in 2008.

1.不可以用who,因为who作主语,而句子中to接的是宾语,所以用whom,is my maths teacher前面已经有主语了,是Miss Liu.
2.用which 一般是前面有介词,句子中要的是地点.
3.这个句子不会缺少宾语,Beijing is the city是一个完整的句子,the Olympic Games will be held in 2008也是一个完整的句子,所以句子与句子缺的是一个连词,后面句子作前面的一个补充说明.

1.介词to 后面接宾语用whom.翻译过来就是 you talked to just now is my maths teacher
2. where==介词+which。例如in which :into which :at which 等等:此题是she had put some flowers into a jar;故应选where.
3.此题用which或者时that都可以。the Olympic Games will be held in 2008.这是一个完整的句子。不却成分。所以选which 或者是that.

1.只能用whom,whom you talked to just now,定语从句修饰Miss Liu,在这个从句中,先行词做宾语成分,不是主语。
2. 可以用:The woman was carrying a jar _where___ she had put some flowers.
The woman was carrying a jar _in which___ she had put some flowers.
3.the city 在从句中表示地点,是状语。所以用where

1.不能用who,whom代替的是you talked to后面应该加的宾语,所以要用宾格,你可以理解成中间那个小句子是修饰miss liu的,与is my maths teacher没有关系,对于最后那句来说,只有miss liu是它的主语,所以跟是否用whom没有关系。
2.如果用which的话应该写成The woman was carrying a jar which she had put some flowers into,这样用which代替本来应该加在into后面的jar。但是原题没有into,所以只能用where,来代替一个地方,而不是某样物品。
3.beijing是主语,is是系动词,the city是宾语。后面又用where引导了一个条件状语从句,表示这个城市是2008将要举办奥运会的城市,所以并不缺宾语。

Miss Liu is my maths teacher.
You talked to Miss Liu just now.
所以做了talked to 的宾语,要是选项有whom,也有who,做宾语时最好选whom;既做主语又做宾语时只选who.
I like the man who is my boss.
2.The woman was carrying a jar.
She had put some flowers in the jar.
jar在定于从句中做状语in the jar,故用hwere
3.Bejing is the city.
The Olympic Games wull be held in 2008 in the city.
同上面句子,the city 作状语 in the city,所以用where
1.The village, where we spent our holiday last month, was destroyed in the earthquake.
把village放回定于从句中We spent our holiday in the village last month.做状语用where
2. The building where he has lived for many years will be turned down.
He has lived in the building for many years.
3. He went to the city which he had been dreaming of.
He had been dreaming of the place
做dreaming of的宾语用which或that
4.He likes living alone, and says that he wants to go and live in a place which nobody knows.
Nobody knows the place.做know的宾语,用which或that