My computer and I英语作文五十词左右七年级水平谢谢了


My computer and I英语作文五十词左右七年级水平谢谢了

Computer is a useful tool in my life.I got my first computer when I was five.My dad bought it for me as a birthday present.I loved it so much,even though I still didn't know how to use it.But my dad taught me how to play video games on computer.Since then,I gradually found video games were quite interesting,After I went to study in primary school,I knew that computer could not only let me have fun when I felt boring,but also helped me a lot on my homework,I can search the answer on the internet,and copy it on my exerciese book.So,I love my computer very much.
You'd better revise it,or your teacher may ask you to his/her office tomorrow.