Good morning!What can I do {}you?I am looking for a pair of black shoes.What size{}you want?Size 10.Sorry,I am {}we haven"t got any black ones in that size at the moment.Have you got any other kind/ What about those shoes over there?Well,that color looks nice.How {}do they cost?Two hundred yuan.OK.Can I {} them on?Certainly..会英语的网友们帮帮我吧,真的谢谢你们了!


Good morning!What can I do {}you?I am looking for a pair of black shoes.What size{}you want?
Size 10.Sorry,I am {}we haven"t got any black ones in that size at the moment.Have you got any other kind/ What about those shoes over there?Well,that color looks nice.How {}do they cost?Two hundred yuan.OK.Can I {} them on?Certainly..会英语的网友们帮帮我吧,真的谢谢你们了!